Friday 12 August 2011

FW: Update Again

(sent 12th August 2011)

Hi girls and boys, 

Just a very quick update as I'm knackered but you have all been so lovely with your texts and emails, I definitely can't leave you hanging so here's the update. 

To cut a long story short there's no news. There is still a small bit of activity but it is not clear whether it's good activity or bad. To explain, when you have a pet scan they pump you through with radioactive glucose, which as you will remember from previous updates, cancer loves glucose so sucks it up and the energy it generates glows under the scan. 

So I glowed. This is either because there is a small amount of the cancer left which greedily eats up the glucose or either it is just scar tissue that is trying to heal and using energy to do so. Either option is equally viable and cannot yet be confirmed which leaves me now in limbo. 

This was to be expected as it is said the radiotherapy can take months to heal and we took the first possible window to have the scan- 3 months. So new plan of attack is to revisit this in 3 months for another scan. Pause and replay. 

I'm actually fine about it, just lacking in humour as I am hungover and tired. So think of something funny and pretend I said it. This situation is what it is and although it is a bit annoying to be kept waiting again, I'm happy, healthy and getting on with life! What more could you ask for. 

I'll update you further when my sense of humour returns and speak more about the Bower meeting. (I need to be nice now as I finally gave him the blog address- hi Mark!!!)

Speak soon

Hugs and kisses

Sent from my iPhone

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