Monday 10 January 2011

Update Number 25

Sent: Friday 7th Jan

Hi all,
(this is a two dayer- first part started yesterday Thursday and finished today)

So I am waiting in hospital and it's super busy so despite arriving at 9am I have yet to start chemo and it's now 11. Not to worry though as dad, grazia and Sophie Harris have been keeping me' busy and out of trouble.

Being rubbish at maths i miscalculated the days and arrived on Tues. to be poisoned but was told I was a couple of days premature as it had to be 21 days after the last chemo. The delay has done me' well though as I tend to get a little apprehensive before chemo as I'm unsure whether the cancer gods will be kind or in a bad mood however this time as I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, albeit a faint and distant light, I'm gagging to have it. Only one more my friends. Can't wait. Okay maybe not but this is the first big goalpost and we'll face the next as it comes.

This is 11 hours later. So this morning shauna (my wonderful chemo nurse) came up and asked whether I would mind having the yukky I.T (where they to a lumbar puncture into your spine to put some of the chemo in- you remember and you will be tested on all these terms at a later date) today as Shiros the doctor who does them is super busy tomorrow (Friday when I was meant to have it) so my first reaction was to make sure I would still get drugs- yes- so I rounded the I.T brigade of simon and mum to join us in the hospital for the appointment at 3. As it was 1pm and I was all done, the afternoon was filled with lunch with my dad and Sophie Harris who was my new chemo buddy for the day. They swapped babysitting duties and took me' to my doom. Did I mention how much I hate this bit??!!! Anyhoo, was allowed lots of drugs as I coped well, unlike last time when I almost stopped breathing as I was so sedated (weird cause I'd only had a small dose). This time I actually slept or passed out I should say. Woop woop! I've got to remember these for boring dinner parties or long flights and other times when you need to be knocked out. Might keep the Hickman line just for it. So just the chop and a massage tomorrow now. Much nicer Friday.

Enough of boring cancer chat. My new years was far more interesting. Si and I went to our lovely restaurant for a 9.30 sit down which was better as there was less time for us old people to wait for midnight. So I wore a new dress, the short wig for a change and some ridiculous high heels which looked fabulous accept when I tried to walk or negotiate stairs or even stand. Glancing over the cocktails list, I thought sod it. I'm getting pissed tonight. So I order a Bellini and then another and then a bottle of red so was very merry in no time thanks to my drink free 4 months. The food was delish and we saw the new years in with some champagne, a bit of pashing and a jazz band which was being overrun by revellers who had obviously taken the 6.30pm sitting and been drinking the yummy cocktails ever since. The gypsy kings will never sound the same again! Our carriage picked us up at 12.30 and as I tottered around on my high heels, I lost my footing and tumbled to the ground right in front of the minicab- part drink related, part high heels on uneven cobbles. Not best pleased the driver rolled down the window and yelled quite aggressively that he wasn't having no drunk girl who vomits in his cab. At this point, I was trying to gracefully pick myself up, straighten my skewed wig  and assess the damage to me' and my new dress so I yelled back- "how dare you. I have cancer. I could even take off my wig and show you"- not my finest hour!! Simon told him off in the car about how you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover etc despite it being after midnight on new years eve and we came tottering out of a restaurant and how i wasn't drunk (white lie- wasn't vomitty drunk). Anyway, by the end of the journey we'd all thought about what we had said and done and apologised to each other and went on our separate ways as better people.

Saturday was a bit of a hungover one. Egg McC muffins were had (see what I did there!!) Forgot how horrible hangovers were but at least I stuck with champagne and wine and left the jaegerbombs well alone so it wasn't too bad.

On Monday we were cultural and went to the national wildlife photographer of the year awards which was fantastic. Highly recommended. We've decided to get a print of a photo each year as simon got an icy landscape one from me' for Christmas last year. This year we have fallen in love with the tortoise from the Seychelles. Look her up- She's awesome!! 

As I have been writing this for two days and having just had an x-ray and shauna is approaching me' with the chop, I best be off. Massage up next while I'm hooked up. Lovely.

I hope you all had wonderful new years and look forward to catching up with you in the new year.

Lots of love and kisses

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