Tuesday 15 February 2011

Update Number 28 (actually 27 but who's counting?)

Hi all,

I hope everything is fine and dandy with you all.

I shouldn't speak too soon but I fear we may be coming to the end of my updates which is definitely a good thing for us all and I can get rid of this god complex I have acquired.

Chemo 6 is done and dusted. Still a horrible experience but as with most things easier after a bit of understanding, problem solving and know how, each one became more manageable. Oh and shed loads of drugs! It's amazing how standard and normal it all becomes. I remember crying the first time I was told my neutrophils were low and now prof, shauna, dad and I are taking bets on how low they will be. Prof even taking it further by placing money on his guesses!

Here I am talking wistfully about my cancer experience when it might not even be over. But, and I am not counting my chickens, it is looking good. Dad managed to get a bit more info out of prof- who I am not to call him as it's too formal- so dad got a bit more info from Mark. The last three X-rays show that the tumour has not been shrinking which is not necessarily a bad thing as it does show it is calcifying which means it is starting to crumble and dissipate which is what it does when it starts to die. Obviously we aren't cracking open the champagne until the tests and done and the results are back but the mcknights are quietly pencilling in plans for the next couple of months in our diaries. Including a big, stonker of a trip to Bali and Australia in April and may if all things go according to plan. It's the "we kicked cancer's
ass" plan- me literally and simon by proxy by being my amazing support. I will let you know details when we have the opportunity to book post results and get your advice and opinions. Good things to look forward to.

So at the moment, it between hospital visits I am slowly reintroducing myself back into the world of work. It's all worked out really well as I have a lovely new boss who is just starting so we are learning and re-learning the ropes together. I will be mostly working from home at the moment and sometimes at the office with the balances shifting as I get used to a full day in the office. It's amazing how little strength and stamina I have left. Even walking up stairs and sometimes walking has me out of breath, gagging for a nap and earned me the nick name of makka Pakka for the way I stick out my bottom to help me manoeuvre up stairs- google him and watch him walking and you'll see how sexy I am. 

I have thought how silly I was for not maintaining it through daily walks and gentle exercise but then I remember what my body has been through and I am happy that it's been so supportive and hardy so I banish those thoughts. I'll get back into it and have a hotter body than before and back onto the marathons and triathlons. Rock hard abs here I come!! (we'll see how long this lasts!)

So spent valentines day with my honey. We went where we went for new years but I was sensible- hardly drank and wore flats- so no stories of tumbles and abusing/ abusive taxi drivers. It was a lovely evening once you got over the nausea of rows of rose petal filled tables of couples holding hands and gazing into each others eyes. I hate to say it but after a delicious meal and a glass of wine we were under the spell too. It was only ever broken by the pianist in the bar of the restaurant downstairs who was clumsily clanging their way through classic love songs on the piano. Guessing what they were playing was like playing humbugs with a tone deaf person! That had us in fits of giggles and trying to imagine what they looked like- guesses went from a child to a man with fat fingers which explained the occasional missed notes. My guess was a woman and I was right- imagine ginger frizzy hair, a definite owner of cats and teacher of piano lessons. To prevent myself sound like a complete meany, she was very sweet and gave us both big smiles as we each went to the toilets downstairs. Stuff the delicious crab tortellini and the yummy sea bass- she made the evening!!!

Amy and I are orphans again as mum and dad have abandoned us and jetted back to the sunshine for a couple of weeks. Talk about child abuse! I hung out with alfred on Saturday eve and he is doing well. Just about walking- it's taken a little while but bigger babies always do plus as he can almost have a conversation and can just about recite the full works of Shakespeare, what's a bit of walking when crawling works just as well? I'll put a video I took of him being such a little boy on the blog- he is laughing at his own farts! Very mature Alfred!

Also I'll add some pictures of Saturday night. Let's just say some yummy Italian food and lots of red wine combined with an iPhone and my wigs equals some very amusing pictures. Sorry ad and al- i'm not really! Everyone else be warned, I'm working through my phonebook to get pictures of everyone as a long haired brunette!

(NB: sorry can't do it. The pictures will remain for my personal amusement only!!)

The ct scan is next tuesday and the pet should be soon after so I promise to write the results as soon as I get them to avoid hate mail due to my lack of updates. Fingers crossed and we'll speak then my lovelies.

Hugs and kisses
Lots of love
Em xxx

Ps sitting in the hospital writing this one on my iPhone which has the lovely knack of remembering only the email addresses it wants so please forward it  on if you notice i've missed someone off. Cheers x

Sent from my iPhone

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