Wednesday 2 March 2011

Update 28 or Whatnot!

Hi all, 

So d-day is upon us finally. I am sitting perched on Simons lap due to the lack of chairs in the mdu on busy Tuesdays. 

So last week saw lots of tests and a little news but nothing we didn't really know before. 

Last weekend was spent in kent with si's parents and brother and girlfriend which was lovely and chilled as always. We went to the seaside and consumed disgusting amounts of phenomenal tapas and went home well rested with full bellies. Always the sign of a good weekend. 

After a bit of reshuffling of appointments, I had my ct scan on monday and the pet scan on Tuesday at tommys. The pet was super easy this time. I spent the morning downloading games on my iPhone which passed the 90 mins resting before the scan wonderfully. I was very brave and had two cannulas for these tests- one in my left front elbow arm (whatever it's actually called) and my right hand and didn't even cry!! I suppose they are bearable if they are once in a while. It's a bit more stressful when someones coming every day and threatening to take your blood with a sharp pointy stick. 

Anyway, we got the results from the ct scan on Tuesday as it was done in the same hospital ie chel west. They told us nothing different than the xrays- that the growth has shrunk considerably but it still there. We just need the pet to tell us whether it is scar tissue or still a bit of the tumour. That news will come in a couple of minutes when Amy arrives and prof gives us the news. 

Despite a bit of a meltdown last tuesday eve and Wednesday, I have been feeling fine and not too stressed about this. I've been getting texts and emails of support from friends but honestly haven't felt worried. I figure that this is not like a test i can study for, it's either worked or not. If not, then we deal with that and if it has, then we hand back my disabled parking, book some plane tickets and look forward to my hair growing back- it some places rather than others!!

Fingers crossed one last time hopefully then you can set them free I promise. 

I'll let you know the news as soon as I do. 

Lots of love

Sent from my iPhone 

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