Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 1

On 26 Sep 2010, at 07:42, Emma McCaughey wrote:

Hi all,

Me at A&E - thought the gown was very attractive!
Just had a really good nights sleep despite it sounding like an electro disco with all the beeping noises. I think there's a number one single in the beeps somewhere.

Firstly thanks so much for the emails and texts- it's wonderful knowing I have such great friends and I know it's help simon knowing he has your support too.

I hope everything is good out in the wide world. I miss you all.

I'm doing well. Not in too much pain just gets a little uncomfortable at times but that's what 24 hours sitting on your ass will do!!!

It all came as a bit of a shock to us and no doubt you have heard horrible words being thrown around so here's the full story so you don't worry.

I'm not sure how much you have been updated so brief recap. I had a sore back when we were in croatia a couple of weeks ago which moved into my chest. It just felt really tight and painful when I walked. My doctor said it was most likely nothing but referred me for an x- ray. I reluctantly went into Chelsea and Westminster on wed night, had the x-ray and sent to a and e. After a 2 hour wait, a chat, a blood test, an ECG and another x-ray, I was admitted into the aau (acute assessment unit). More blood tests, a ct scan and a heart sonogram thing I was informed that I had a growth in my sternum in between my heart and lungs which was was quite large and had  probably had been there a few months. They called it a tumour.

Unsure of what it was and they had all the images they needed they needed to do a biopsy of the lump. They also found a bit of fluid around my heart which was putting pressure on my heart pumping so they had to get this sorted before my biopsy. If they did the biopsy before and there were complications. It would have made everything worse. So the drain went and I made sure I was sedated- lots of drugs.

So today's plan is for this drain to come out as im all drained and for my canula (arm drip thingy) to be changed. I hope you are all having productive Sundays too!!

Then tomorrow we will hopefully get some results from the biopsy and get a  plan of action. A family friend told us that each day in hospital can change so dramatically which is so true. They tell you one thing but can say something different later. So you have  to be very robust as they just don't know what they are dealing with yet. 

The staff here have been incredible and very informative. I am constantly updated even if its to say they don't know anything. It may be cancer but they aren't sure yet. We just need to take it one day at a time. I'll be bloody annoyed if I need chemo as I just my perfect haircut and colour!!!!

That's all my news at the moment and I or one of the clan will update you with further news. I'm still at Chelsea and Westminster but may move to charring cross later depending on what they find and where is best to treat it.

Max Lowry
Also, I'm not sure if you met him but our good family friend and my brother in laws best friend, Max Lowry died on Friday night. He was only 32 and he was found collapsed on his bed and died soon after. To make matters worse, after years of struggling financially as an artist, his career was taking off and he was due to be married to the woman he loved yesterday so he died the day before his wedding. So we are all obviously distraught over that news as well.

Bit of a tough time at the mcc household but your emails and texts of support and love help alot.

I would love to see your little faces very much but my strict carer simon gets angry if I talk for too long as I get out of breath so I will keep you informed when we have a bit of news and am strong enough to see you all. My parents, Amy and simon have been incredible- I definitely could not have done this alone so please send them a hug or kiss as I'm sure it's harder for them than me as I just live in my little hospital bubble at the moment.

Anyway, officially written one of the longest emails ever so will let you know. Keep texting and emailing as it keeps me occupied and I'll try to get back to you

Please forward around as I only have a couple of email addresses on this phone  and hopefully this will answer some of the thousands of questions you all have.

You know what a bitch and fighter I am- there's no way this fucker is taking me down!!!

Lots of love and kisses

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