Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 16

Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 10:56 AM

Hi all,

I hope you are well. One week more down and one more chemo session down.
As seems to be the case with the life of Emma at the moment, good news and bad.

Good news, I had an x-ray on Tuesday which showed that my tennis ball of a tumour has gone down considerably which is great news after one session of chemo. Also my white blood cells had reacted well to my daily injections and had been growing back my good cells at a super rate. So good news all round.

Bad news which isn't actually bad news- I'm just being dramatic! but I had my second boxing match with the chemo on Wednesday which went as well as expected. I think I've just got to acknowledge that it will knock me for six and push me back a couple of days which is tough when you've been plodding along nicely. Along with the chemo, I had the normal lumbar puncture (what House is always doing to his patients) which is a typical part of my treatment where they put a bit of chemo into my spine to make sure the bad cells don't nest there. It's pretty grizzly on a normal day but Shiros, my doctor who is very very good at them and done hundreds, couldn't find the right spot so a 5 minute procedure took 30 mins and really tested my composure and mum and Simon's who were also in the room. I think they were almost all in tears by the end of it. I certainly was!!

So it's not really bad news so I apologise for misleading you but I am feeling a little sorry for myself which I am allowing myself for a couple of days and then I;m going to get over it and carry on as normal until chemo 3 in 3 weeks!! Fun and games- you are jealous I know you are!!

Wig got an outing last night- which went down a treat. People who didn't know complimented me on my new haircut and people who did complimented me on my wig!! Hair's still hanging in there!

Bit of a short and sweet email this time but I'll be back on form soon.

Lots of hugs and kisses


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