Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 15

On 23 Oct 2010, at 14:06, Emma McCaughey wrote:

Hi all, 

I wanted to wait to give you the whole picture before I sent my next update.

Okay, good news and bad news (which turns into good news which is the reason for my delay!) 

Good news, my bone marrow results confirmed the fact that the cancer hasn't spread to other parts of my body, it's just in my chest. This was confirmed by the PET scan and now reconfirmed by the bone marrow. I think the reason for such an emphasis on the bone marrow and why we were waiting for these results for a true confirmation, is the difference between taking pictures of the moon (PET scan) and going to the moon and getting a sample (bone marrow sample). So all clear!

Badish news is that I had my blood test on Tuesday which is standard for each hospital visit (god bless the Hickmann Line) and my neutrophil count was down to zero. These are basically 70% of my white blood cells and thus my immune system and they are the first ones to attack any infection. The level should be from which should be between about 2 to 7.5 (my last count was 3.6) so it was really low and I was under red alert for any infection or fever which could have been life threatening. Bit scary.

Anyway, the Prof was not worried and in fact delighted as if the chemo has hit my immune system that hard it most probably hit my tumor just as hard. As a result, he won't lower my dosage of chemo but will manage the neutrophil production which is what he did through tiny daily injections that dad and Simon ended up giving me! I was careful not to annoy either of them just before they jabbed me! So after injections on Tues, Wed and Thurs, I headed back into the hospital for a blood test on Fri and my count is back up to 2.9 which was very good that I reacted so quickly. They won't give this to me willy nilly after the next chemo but it's good to know that we have a quick "cure" if this happens again. So that's the bad to good news.

If you want to read up anymore on what I have, I highly recommend this website as it is not scary at all and can fill in the gaps I have no doubt created with my chat above -

The winning wig!!
Enough of boring hospital stuff, some other news, I went wig shopping with Amy on Thursday which it is a little pre-emptive (my hair's still hanging in there!!) but was a really wonderful experience considering. I tried all sorts on and found two awesome ones but only got one. The one I went for a chocolate brown bob not dissimilar to what I had before which is what we were striving for so I didn't feel alien when I looked in the mirror. Attached is a picture. The second one was chocolate brown and long (past boob level!!!)- I've never had proper long hair and although I didn't get it, I can't stop thinking about it. Another picture attached. Plus I figure that if I do go and get it, I can wear it have a bad hair day in the future. All you girls (and I'm sure the guys too) are going to be jealous of my hassle- free hair! Thoughts please????

Long hair for once in my life?
Blonde? Yeah Right!!!

Another contender- a bit too neat for me though

Alfred at the Wig Shop- I know he is not a performing monkey but I like to try!

I went into work on Tuesday which was so good to see everyone and got the most ridiculously huge box of Australian junk food from the Sydney office. I shouldn't say but mum ate the whole packet of the white chocolate timtams in one go so felt pretty uncomfortable for a couple of hours. I am not much better- I'm sure I'll add diabetes to my list of ailments shortly. Thank you so much. I was also the very grateful recipient of a number of other goodies. Honestly, get cancer you get lots of presents- it's brilliant!! Work have been so incredibly supportive so I am very lucky to have not only great coworkers but also great friends.

So future plans involve a very chilled weekend and a Tuesday appointment and then chemo on Wednesday which I'm obviously a bit nervous about but hey ho, it's going to make me better in the long run.

I'll keep you posted next week.

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful hats. My pile is growing!!

Lots of love and kisses

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