Monday 15 November 2010

Update Number 18

Hi all,

Sorry for neglecting you again but this week has been thankfully stress and drama free and frankly I'm not sure what I have done, it's that boring. 

Neutrophils v bugs
through a microscope
Health wise- physical and mental- I've been good. My neutrophils (good White cells) were low as to be expected after the chemo so I had nurse simon administer some more of those lovely little injections (which have a hormone in them to make my bones make more neutrophils) and after my course of 3 days which is what I had last time, my neutrophil level had actually gone down which wasn't great. It doesn't hurt or make me feel crappy just means I have to be super careful about what I eat for fear of poisoning myself and need to wrap up warm for fear of giving myself a cold. So three more days from nurse simon and some more hospital visits, my neutrophils shot through the roof. Given that the average optimal level of neutrophils in the human body is between 2.5 and 8.5, my level of 25 was a huge jump. No more injections for a little while then! Good news as you are no longer being injected by your loved one but also as your bones ache like you have done and a marathon or two (I imagine and will know the pain in 2012 Cathy and Tom I promise!!) So I was pretty fatigued most of the week and weekend so I guess that's what I've been doing- resting my concrete block legs, hips and back.  

I also went to work for a couple of hours on Wednesday to say hi and check through my 900 emails. It was lovely to distract Nina and the rest of the team again and feel human but I'm not sure how you lot do it- work is very tiring!! Much prefer my sofa and tv!! It was so worth it though. 

He stole my haircut - bastard!
Prof Bower is well as he can be and I saw him a couple of times last week due to my bipolar neutrophils. Ever the charmer, he wandered over and exclaimed "we've had a quote and decided your wig is the worst wig we have ever seen." nice huh! His point which he always has a mangled way of getting to, is that I should embrace the bald. Despite it being very very cold outside I have begun to leave wig at home and just wear a hat. Think that is also because I have yet to wash wig so it is looking a little scraggly and unloved presently so tonight I can't do anything as I am washing my hair (in a bowl with special shampoo and not in the shower on my head in case you were wondering).

Also found out this week that they only do 50 cardial drains a year in the hospital so I was a rare treat on the AAU- no wonder I was so popular with all the duckings in the ward.  Speaking of being popular, sorry to wax lyrical but I've been reading through all the emails I have received throughout the last 6/7 weeks and I am so overwhelmed by all your support and care. I am really sorry if I have yet to get back to you and I know that it is incredibly rude given the time you have taken out of your busy lives to brighten my day with an email but some days can be a little tricky and although those days are getting better as the chemo leaves my body before the next cycle, my head isn't always with it. At the moment, my to do list is very long and is being added to each day- I am not at my most productive. Enough shoddy cancer excuses, please know that I am very grateful and don't stop them coming- even with the new blog!! Leave abusive comments if you like- if they are anonymous I wont know they're from you!! 

Bit slushy update today but not feeling 100% as I have round 3 in the boxing ring tomorrow which I am nervous about and is making me' feel nauseous in advance. Bower has given the okay to sedation tomorrow so they will date rape drug me up (yes the actual one-'only a little so I am dopey and not passed out) before the lumbar puncture tomorrow. So as you can probably sense from my tone my humour has taken a long weekend in the countryside and is stuck in traffic somewhere on the m4. After this, I'm halfway through and counting. Bring on the next couple of months quickly! Given that it doesn't seem too long since my last one, hopefully that christmas wish might be granted. 

I hope you all are well and keeping warm (cool in Australia/ NZ) and see you on the other side of round 3.

Lots of hugs and kisses 
Em xxx

Sent from my iPhone

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