Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 6

Date: Friday, October 1, 2010, 9:37 AM

Morning all,

I hope you are all doing well.

We have some news! Half news. Prof bower came bounding in yesterday exclaiming he is a genius and tom of his team is a moron. Obviously they've been taking bets on my condition.  Well, I have lymphoma- a lymphoma or however you say it. It is not certain whether it is hodgkins or non-hodgkins (I'm really going to have to learn how to spell this stuff now). In theory, neither is better nor worse, it just depends on the cocktail of drugs I get in my chemotherapy. And that is the plan.

The plan, which is always ever changing, is maybe get a pet scan today (lymphoma loves glucose so I get injected with some and we see via the pet scan whether it has spread- they have done this with cat scans and the cancer seems very localised to my chest but the pet is a lot more thorough). Then it's a bit of a quiet weekend. Si and I have an actual dinner and movie planned like at a restaurant and the cinema on sat. Normal couple we are!!! I might be up for a few visitors if anyone's around also this weekend?? If you still remember me!!!

Then Monday brings a bone marrow thing which I'm a bit more okay about that the biopsy as we are moving forward now and this needs to be done and will help. Plus I get drugs too! Now I will not be needing to follow my chemo with narcs anonymous meetings it's just that my mind starts to whirl so I need something to take the edge off- being intelligent has it's downfalls!

Then all things according to plan, chemo starts Monday afternoon. It will be 2.5 hours or so of sitting with a drip in and taking in this special cocktail which is specifically tailored to my blood and laced with anti nausea medication. It doesn't hurt and shouldn't make me feel sick and all things going to plan I will be out and back at home on Wednesday.

Depending on non-hodg or hodg I will then need to return to the hospital weekly for check ups and 2 or 3 weekly for chemo. This will be for 6 months so until my next birthday.

There is also a plan to get a Hickman line in which makes me feel a bit woosy but could make my life much easier for the next 6 months. It's basically a tube linked directly to my vein in my chest which they can not only put the chemo into but also they can take blood from which has been a cause of anxiety especially when I have junior doctors stabbing at my veins. Saying that- google it- it's pretty grim. Again it's just in my head!!

It's kind of a given that my hair will fall out so in the next week or so I'm going to get a pixie cut to beat it to it- not sure how that'll look but I've always wondered. If you see any cheap, cool hats pick them up as I think they will be my winter wardrobe staple for autumn/ winter 2010. M
assive prize for the best hat!! Also, apparently I may get fat as the steroids they give you to alleviate nausea, make you hungry- constantly. Gawd damn!! This cancer thing sucks!! Skinny with hair is what I want and fat and bald is what I'm given. Is there no justice??? 

So finally we all know something and can have a plan for the future. We'll find out more and keep you posted.

Best of luck to the mipcommers. Cathy m- I can't believe they finally got you there!! Sorry I couldn't see you before but I may pop back into the office when I'm let out and see your little faces again.

Much love and kisses xxx

Sent from my iPhone

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