Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 3

Sent: 28 September 2010 09:02

Hi all, you hear that?....what?...that?....what?silence??

Exactly!!! I'VE BEEN MOVED!!!

Gone are the beeps which I'm sure would have been an exceptional form of torture in some wars- I would have told them anything towards the end there. I am in a gorgeous little en suite room by myself and its blissful. It was a little too quiet at first but I adapted quite quickly to the calm. I don't have a window so to speak as it just looks out into the hospital so if you stand on a particular staircase I may be able to wave at you from my bed!!

Ok enough about that for the moment- you want an update which I cannot give you unfortunately. Our wonderfully kookie and eccentric professor of oncology prof bowers came in yesterday with no real news but some of his suspicions. The biopsy results aren't back but as I am doing so well they aren't going to try and preempt my illness and treat it yet, which they may have done if time wasn't on my side but because it is, its simply a waiting game then treating the actual illness. He highly suspects cancer and highly suspects chemotherapy but obviously until we can name this sucker, it's all suspicions. I will hopefully find something out today of which I will keep you informed.

I'm doing well and have nothing hooked into me nor am I taking anything stronger than paracetamol for occasional fever and headaches and ibuprofen if I get the occasional muscular pain so doing pretty good. They have found a small bit of fluid on my lungs which isn't too much of a problem but means I can get a bit out of breath if I over exert myself. It probably will need to be drained too at some point though. My heart is looking good- they'll do a sonogram at the end of the week to see if the fluid is accumulating again. If so, then that little window operation for me. If not, then it never will. Fingers crossed.

Back to my room- we get our meals cooked by Elton John seriously!! Ok his trust but wouldn't it be so cool if it was actually him! It's awesome so I'm thinking of faking it later when i'm well so I can just hang around for the fry ups!!! The nurse is going to throw a spanner in the works by requesting some vegetarian sausages in the works to the chef!!! I love annoying people with my difficult vegetarian ways!! I had salmon last night- yum!! No more woldingham style mush with potatoes for every meal!!

Thanks again for all your emails- I had no idea how boring your lives were!!! Just kidding!! Laughter and tears have been shed over them- sometimes at the same time!! So thanks again. Thanks to work and the woldingham girls and Sophie Harris for the incredible flowers- my nurse joked it was like kew gardens in here. Harris also for the bag of goodies- never been so happy to see a couple of pairs of m&s knickers before.

Thank you so much to the exe lot- holly, Lauren, Chloe, lu, Zoe, Tim, eve and davrosh for my orchid and my slippers- they are hilarious and will definitely not be used on the floors of the nhs. They are stunning!!

I want to see you all very much and sometimes feel on top of the world and other times get a bit tired and out of breath so it's difficult planning. The idea is to wait until we get some form of results and thus plan and then we can get structure. I will definitely been in touch and planning little facial parties or watching a film etc so we can hang out. I am getting my head around to the idea that I may be in here for a little while at least for the first couple of chemo sessions to see how my body reacts but I've got a glam Samantha from sex in the city esque chemo ice lolly party going on in my head with very glam designer clothing and four inch heels. I'll send the invites out soon!

Family is doing well. Dad comes in first at 8am and does his emails and chats then simon and mum coming in a little later. It's really long days for them as they are here until 9pm or so. They often wonder in and out doing their own bits as life goes on and bills have to be paid etc. Amy's doing well especially as her and Sam have had a double whammy of a week so she pops in everyday. Sometimes with and sometimes without the monster who is adorable and a refreshing break because he doesn't know/ care if you are ill, he just wants your iPhone!! Simon is being supported by steaks- He's been out for a couple of meals with mum and dad and has taken full advantage of being away from the vegetarian and eating his body weight in meat!! Mum and dad aren't going back to oz just yet- dad may need to in order to sort some stuff out there but for the immediate future, they are UK residents again. Please keep your support coming to them- they are my support too!! Plus it distracts them and keeps them from nagging me the whole time!! ;)

Simon eating Salad while the rest of us have burgers!!

Not sure my sleeping pill has completely worn off and dad is tapping on his blackberry so I better be off. Having a proper shower and washing my hair today then doing a face mask and clean sheets on the bed- fun and games in the james Macauley ward!! Is it wrong that I'm so excited about that?

Love and kisses and see you soon

Sent from my iPhone

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