Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 10 which I've put as 11 (I got confused!)

Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2010 09:44:45 +0100

Hi all,

Sorry for my absence yesterday but it wasn't a good day. After my chop chemo and lumbar procedure, I got very nauseous and was vomiting. Not very nice unfortunately.

Not that I was expecting to be well after being pumped full of poison but after being told some people bound out of hospital on their first day, I wasn't expecting to be so ill. Saying that we found a combination of things that settle my tummy and at least I was in hospital so I had a full pharmacy to hand. I might be out today depending on the nausea but we'll have to see. I don't want to put undue pressure on simon, mum and dad if I felt as I did yesterday. I wasn't the most fun to hang around.

Alas, project kitten Bower is no more. It was poo pooed by my doctors because of poo! Apparently most animals have a bit of toxicity in their poop which needs to be greatly avoided for people with low immune systems which I will definitely have. But Amy and Sam are still getting their kitten, Chuck so I can go over for baby and kitten cuddles and leave when they poop!!

I think that's all from end at the moment, not feeling well isn't that interesting and I don't want to bore you and lose my captive audience!!

Send me your news as it's nice to hear about the normal world.

Lots of love and kisses

Sent from my iPhone

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