Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 13

Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 4:41 PM

hi all,

i'm back and realise i have been rather neglectful on my very interesting life so here i am keeping you posted again.

I am at home and have been since Friday so had the weekend with a few visitors and a brief walk in the park to keep me out of trouble. this is it now unless i get ill - i am an outpatient. the transitiion back home has been a little tricky as you can imagine. i haven't really had to think or do anything for 3 and 1/2 weeks since i was admitted into hospital and now i am learning how to be a grown up again, all with the engergy of a sedated sloth, so the weekend was a little challenging at times. Simon is becoming a wizz at cooking and cleaning up as we have to be very health concious due to my immune system being basically non- existent at times. i basically have to eat like a pregnant woman and then some, so i am currently mourning sushi, seafood and delicious gooey cheeses, which you can imagine is a very, very dark time for me.

new haircut
Mum is currently cleaning the house upstairs and running about like a mad woman whilst i consume crisps on the sofa (hey, i have been told i need to maintain my weight for the chemotherapy) but i have an excuse as it's been a busy day- it was haircut day. so attached for all your viewing pleasure is my new pixie crop which was done by a good family friend which was a much lovelier experience than going into a busy salon and having a stranger chat at you for a hour. Michelle did such a great job and mum even managed to get a quick trim in too. 

I met and bonded with Chuck who is supercute- also included attached and although i am naughty for going in for a cuddle, i am not at my most vunerable so it was so worth it. Alfred is being so cute as well- i wasn't feeling too great when i arrived at amy and sam's to get my hair done so lay on the sofa and rested for a bit and he seemed to sense it and was quiet and kept looking at me, then crawled over for a cuddle- what a smart little boy. He doesn't really know what to think about Chuck so his face is a picture whenever chuck moves and he keeps calling him a dog- which everything is at the moment so he's almost there!
Random videos of Chuck being active, Mum trying to work an iPhone camera and the clean-up after my haircut

Tomorrow is back into the hospital but just for some blood and for some check ups so no yucky chemo for another 2 weeks. In honesty, I'm doing fine. There are times i feel I can do this and others when it is a bit of a struggle which is only normal considering how quickly all this has come about and how short a time i have actually been trying to live a normal life since being discharged. My hickmann line, although an absolutle godsend as it prevents me being poked and prodded (my veins at least) when im back in hospital, is still a source of discomfort but that is to be expected and when in a week or two when it settles and i acclimatise to this thing in my neck, i hope i will settle down too into my new life of 6 months.

Thursday is the funeral for Max which will be a difficult day for everyone so I will try and keep you updated maybe on Friday or Wed if I get to hospital and they say "oooppps how embarrassing, we mixed up your medical records, you only have a common cold" 

I will try and be a bit more structured now with responding to emails and texts so thank you for your kind emails, letters, flowers and gifts. They are so very much appreciated and i am smiling and crying along with them even if i don't get back to you.

Lots of love and kisses


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