Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 2

Date: Monday, September 27, 2010, 10:28 AM

Hi all,

I hope you are well despite the rubbish weather.

Update from my end.

Quiet time in AAU at around 3am!

Bit knackered today after a very sleepless night. I got moved to a quiet area. Quiet my bottom!! It's right by the nurses station so I not only have the bleeps and chimes from my e-bay ward (I kid you not) but also from all the other bays as they are relayed into the nurses station!!! Also there was a man screaming and shouting because he wanted a cig at 2am. He then proceeded to scream all night in between trying to nip to the loo for another cigarette. Look at me- Just a bit grumpy from my lack of sleep and am turning into a grumpy old  woman- blending in with the crowd!!! I'm the youngest here by about 40 years!!!

A visit from Alfred-

So yesterday went well. They came in and changed my arm drip thingy and check the fluid around my heart which was pretty much drained so they took out the drain. The cardiologist who did it was hilarious with a very dry sense of humour and looked a bit too pleased to be yanking something out of my chest. The last bit of drain had a hook on so without telling me so I didn't pass out he yanked it out and I swore like a trooper at the top of my voice much to the dismay of the little old ladies in the room. Anyway, that box is ticked and my heart is beating strong. If it does start accumulating again then I will probably need a small operation called a pericardial window (sp?) where they cut a little hole in the heart wall so the fluid cannot build up again. It'll be under general and only 20 mins or so. 

So now it is just a waiting game until we hear from the oncologists about the biopsy. Obviously all a bit scary but there is nothing I can do so we'll just have to see what happens. It could be today or tomorrow. I will try and keep you all updated but we might need to digest it all a bit before we spread the word.

Thanks again for all your emails and texts- they help break up the day. Looking outside I'm quiet glad to be tucked up in bed just wish it was my bed!!!

Keep me informed of your news and I will of mine.

Lots of love

Sent from my iPhone

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