Wednesday 17 November 2010

Update Number 20

Hi all,

Quick update to easy your worries as I know you are all super worried!!

Still here in aau in Chelsea and Westminster- should be in Thomas maccauley but there's no room. Feeling much better but not 100%. My fever has stabilised and my bloods and everything are fine but now I am off the antibiotics, I need to be 'normal' for the next 24 hours before chemo will even be considered. The hickmann line can be used which is fabulous. I tried to be brave when the blood lady (her job is to got round the hospital taking blood off patients all day- literally my worst career choice ever) came this morning and very begrudgingly let her try and she couldn't get blood so I  immediately cried and fired her and told the doctor on her. You don't mess with me and my veins.
Blood taker ladies mess (bottom one!)- OWWWW big bruise!!!
Cannula mess on the other arm - human pin cushion me!!

My neighbours have all pretty much changed. Mr grumpy old man and mr serious head concussion were discharged. Mrs bravest lady in the world  has been transferred- where they tried 13 times to cannulate her and made her a pin cushion and she was still smiling and telling jokes while I was dry-heaving and running out of the room. Little aimee is beside me' is so sweet. I've kind of adopted her as she is in the diagnostic stage where I was not so long ago so been giving her advice about biopsies and other procedures I know about. My favourite Margaret has been transferred out to another ward and boy was she a source of entertainment today. A few choice comments to her and from her whilst she was being washed or moved. "how dare you touch me", "don't bite me Margaret", "you swine", yelling out for help from the people "on the street", "get off me you beasts" all with such venom and when she didn't get her own way she would say "I'm going to be sick" which worked once with each nurse until they cottoned on to her wicked ways. Even though she has now been moved I'm pretty sure I'll hear "could I have a cold drink please?" which she repeated at least 350 times throughout the night. I'll miss her.

A little bit longer than I thought I would write but I couldn't not share Margaret with the world!

So the plan is for me' to be fine for 24 hours then chemo on Friday either as a day patient on the medical day unit downstairs or in thomas maccauley if I have been moved at that point. My neutrophils (yes those bloody things again) have dropped so I am low again so all your "grow White blood cells grow" dances and songs will be gratefully received. The little injections will make them grow if your dances/ songs don't! Yea!!

Right bedtime for me' now.

Lots of love and hugs
Em xxx

Sent from my iPhone

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