Sunday 28 November 2010

Update Number 22

Hi all,
It's been a very long week but I'm finally back and myself after Chemo 3. Done and ticked off. Half way there.

This week has been a tough one as not only I felt rubbish after the chemo but the steroids I have to take for 5 days after, greatly affected my tummy with acid reflux. So Monday started by me vomiting and pretty much continued with constant nausea and dry heaving until I started feeling better on Friday. All that and the lack of food which obviously made me really weak ,together with normal fatigue of the chemo meant that I didn't really get up to much this week. I had a couple of visitors to keep me sane and Simon worked from home on Thursday and Friday to be my amazing carer when I couldn't really look after myself. Poor mum and dad were hearing all about this from Noosa, not being able to help physically but offering me and Simon comfort on the brief moments I was able to speak to them. Unfortunately, this is however, completely normal as the steroids are nasty but essential and they have given me a pill (charcoal or something) which I take all the time now- I would have had injections or anything to prevent the nausea! Other than that- all good for my health.
My carer Simon with dinner last week - yum!
But alas, this is not a grumpy email as I am so so much better. My beautiful crisp and sunny today consisted of waking up late, being given an egg muffin by my lovely boyfriend (second day running I might add!), followed by a Skype tour of my parent's new pad. We then went out to Clapham Old Town Farmer's Market and picked up some cupcakes, then went for a stroll on Northcote Road and a drink with some good friends who brought me jelly belly's- thanks Lu! My evening consisted of Fish and Chips and snuggling - my perfect day! You certainly appreciate feeling better once you have been feeling crap for about 2 weeks including my lovely hospital visit last week. Long wig joined Simon and I on our daytime date and for the first time in ages I felt like a normal girl with her normal boyfriend. Poor Simon has been walking about on eggshells as I was like Volcano Eykafallajokull (could blow at any time) and refused to be touched even a little bit so he was grateful to have his girlfriend back this weekend.
Alfredo came to visit on Tuesday and although he was a big bundle of energy who I could only watch crawl around the flat like Tasmanian devil, we did manage a small amount of child abuse by making him try on all the hats I have been given. We managed to snap most of the hats before meltdown but unfortunately not all so please see the blog for the results. (Please feel free to post some comments as I'm sure Simon and I haven't done him justice.)

I have now officially on my way to a sugar induced coma (really good for the stomach Emma!) and I have run out of things to say, so I will leave you be and wishing you a very happy week.
Wrap up warm
Lots of love and kisses
This is the way he rolls at his crib with his hos...
My name is Henrik and I am from Amshterdam

"Duuuuude, did you see that smokin' hot mama?"

The only non hat- my sick bucket so of course, his favourite...

Mama's favourite too!

"I'm a little teapot, short and stout..."

"Please mama. Can I have some more?"

"No woman, no cry".... not so much!

"This is not 100% cashmere...waaahhhh!"

"This water is not 10 degrees. I ONLY drink water at 10 degrees" 
"...and I did it myyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyy...."

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