Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 5

Date: Thursday, September 30, 2010, 9:31 AM

Morning all,

I hope you are well and that it's not to chilly for you.

My update is not a good one unfortunately not news as yet. We had a visit from prof bower and my biopsy sample was lost. Somewhere in between the courier dropping it off in hammersmith hospital and being signed for by p.Patel it's disappeared. So not only do I not have my results but I had to endure another biopsy and wait a couple of days for the results.

As you can imagine, everyone here is livid. This is an exceptionally rare thing to have happened as they do this daily and use medical couriers who understand the importance of their shipments. All the staff here had been on the phone harassing, begging, blackmailing, bribing and just plain yelling at hammersmith and the courier  company so it's hard to be angry too when prof bower comes to you beside himself with rage.

It was a big blow and felt that we were actually moving backwards. They said they would schedule the biopsy for later in the day but came in 10 mins later saying they had a slot and then and there which we should take. So I needed a canyula and a blood test and the biopsy before I'd even digested any of this info. I wasn't too brave yesterday and every other comment out of my mouth was 'sedate me' or 'drug me' or 'not enough- I'm still lucid'. I felt I'd already been strong for this operation once and to be told I needed to go through it all again when it wasn't even my fault felt like I'd been punished for someone else's fuck up.

Saying that, there is a chance another biopsy would have been needed anyway if they needed more or they hadn't got the right area. I thought it might have been better if they lied and said they needed more of a sample but as they said they're all so honest they'd probably get caught out in that lie and then we'd sue them!! An option perhaps!

So sorry it's not so chirpy or upbeat as usual today but it's cathartic to keep my friends and loved ones up to date of good days and bad. If I make it look so good you'll all be wanting cancer, then where would our economy be?

Today is a day of a couple more scans- non invasive cts of my pelvis and brain. Canyula still in because I'll need contrast for the scans. Contrast is the weirdest thing- it's a substance they put into your veins show all the good bits show on the scans but when the contrast goes in it's really warm and fuzzy and can make you feel like you are wetting yourself. When I had it on the second day in, I said to the lady doing it that it wasn't an unpleasant feeling if incredibly weird and she said of some older ladies who had contrast had enjoyed themselves a little too much and were sad to be leaving the ct room. She said she had never said that before!! Trust me to get all the dirty gossip out the hospital staff!! 

The silver lining to having my results lost is that I am a VIP- not letting it get to my head, i had an oncologist take my blood and do my canuyla, the head of radiology take my biopsy and the head of oncology and his team personally yelling at hammersmith and they will be taking it further to the top people. Those results were hand delivered by another oncologist straight to hammersmith. Plus I now get lots of sedatives if I ask for them!! Score.

Feel my fighting power back in me' a bit more today after a good nights sleep. Slept like a baby and had a pill even though I was sedated yesterday- no one wants those 3am wake ups especially not after yesterday!!!

Fingers crossed today is scheduled with some nicer and I may be able to pop out and get some lunch. I got a wake up kiss from simon which was lovely this morning on his way to work which i am making him do as it keeps him distracted plus he is making money to buy me pretty things! Dad is sitting beside me' clicking on his blackberry- I threw things in the mix by asking for a heat and look magazine this morning which really scares him as the shop downstairs has 4000 types of magazine and he has to go through each one specifically to find the right one. I think he is over the trauma of finding glamour on Monday especially as he has learnt to go from top shelf downwards!! Just kidding- ooops I might not get my Marie Claire tomorrow!!! Mums doing what she does best - sorting and organising. So she is doing some washing at our house and so no doubt but the time I'm home- I'll have no idea where anything is. That's not an ungrateful tone I promise mum. Amy and Sam are doing well as can be expected. Those two have such a strong little family unit going and they have some things to look forward to in the near future which makes now a little easier.

I think we are slowly getting some people in to visit but as the days seem to be a roller-coaster so it's all by the seat of our pants. I feel awful not replying to your emails individually but by being on this list you have emailed me so I have your address and also I can respond with my update to show you I got your email and fully appreciate it. Okay I know a bit of a lazy approach but I've got a tumour so I can do what I want!!!!! ;) oh the milage on this one!!!!

Best of luck everyone with mipcom (especially Zoe my replacement- no pressure to follow in my shoes!!! ;)

Lots of love and kisses

Sent from my iPhone

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