Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 8

Alfred in one of the many hats in the park
Sent: 04 October 2010 09:38
Morning all,

I hope you are all well and had a good weekend.

Felt weird not emailing yesterday but only momentarily and then I rolled over and got some snuggles so the idea to keep you updated was completely extinguished and I forgot about you all!!

Home was good. Thanks to the weather of constant rain, we were pretty much housebound but a couple of films, a couple of visitors, Thai takeaway and the x factor kept me occupied. Don't tell me anything about last night (i didn't watch because i was back in boarding school) as that's perfect "I've just had my first bout of chemo and I don't want to use my brain" fodder for Thursday. We'll see how long I can avoid the tabloids or idle chatter. What am I talking about? I hate the x factor. Oh god. Is this my path to becoming a fat, bald person who sits on the sofa manically laughing and crying and singing along to the contestants, spending their life savings voting on that little boy/ girl who's name they'll forget 2 weeks later!!! Jeremy Kyle and crappy daytime tv next... Slippery slope!!!

Small trauma day today- Kanula and pet scan and surprise blood test- always welcome on a Monday morning. Got dad here to keep me company. He came in and said "aren't you nil by mouth?" just as I was considering a Claire Jago muffin. Which I am, so he pretty much saved the day and prevented another appointment reshuffle. Pretty much a hero in my book

Speaking of books, a consultant I was chatting too recommended the book he was reading "the secret" by rhonda Byrne which is basically a self help book about visualising yourself in a place and it will happen- so in a dream job, with your soul mate etc. I already had this at home from a while back and thought it couldn't do any harm so started reading it again last night. So went to sleep and woke up with a earplug missing and visualised myself with my earplug in my hand, putting it back in my ear then going back to sleep. So I opened my eyes, found the earplug, put it in my ear and went back to sleep. See this thing works!!! Baby steps hey?

Thanks again for all your emails and calls. Great to hear from old friends and new.

Speak tomorrow when I am a little poorer for buying a lovely dress or shoes to congratulate myself for being brave today!!!

Lots of love and kisses

Sent from my iPhone

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