Wednesday 3 November 2010

Update Number 14

Ha ha! Not unhappy just concentrating!!

On 18 Oct 2010, at 13:07, Emma McCaughey wrote:

Hi all,

I hope you had a good week.

I am doing well and according to all I meet, looking very well too. The pixie crop has gone down a treat although I am trying not to get too attached to any hair I have at the moment. I actually went out yesterday and felt pretty which is something when you have tubes coming out of you and the shape of your head on show!!!

I am taking the good days as they come as I think they will become fewer and further between the more the treatment works its magic. I'm feeling well and the Hickmann line is starting to settle down and there are periods I forget all about it- only short ones but still- baby steps. The tingly fingertips are a bit annoying but absolutely livable in terms of side effects.

Last week was good. Tuesday was hospital day. It was weird seeing familiar faces in a different area of the hospital. Prof Bower was his usually quirky and delightful self- I honestly have nothing but respect and admiration for that man however much he and dad talk football over my condition! I am honestly in the best hands as he is top of his game and has won awards for bringing cancer care to Vietnam, an area where my condition would be a death sentence. So hospital brought, blood tests (which came back healthy!) and a dressing change- easy peasy lemon squeezey. Hopefully same again this Tuesday and Chemo next week ew!

Wednesday consisted of breakfast with mum, dad, Amy and Alfred followed by a nap- rock and roll.

Thursday was the funeral of Max Lowry. As much as you can say this about a funeral, it was a wonderful ceremony. Lots of tears, laughter and music exactly how it should have been. My brother in law Sam, did the most incredible speech which did justice to the wonderful and complex man Max was. It was a really long day but it was wonderful catching up with mutual friends and brought my endurance and stamina up no end. [NB all of Max's work if you want to have a look-  Max Lowry's Amazing 3D Art

Friday and the weekend brought a quick stop at a birthday party, shopping, cinema, walk in the park and lots of yummy and healthy food. All in all a good weekend but a bit boring to relay to you all in any greater detail than this. 

I have seen a few of you but I want the rest who haven't seen me yet to know my headspace as it is not always easy to convey on group emails. I am honestly fine. This situation is crappy and it sucks and I'd obviously rather not be in this way but what I have is the best of a bad bunch. I am under the best medical eyes and I am under the best support from Simon and my family (and friends obviously). This type of non-hodgkin lymphoma happens in 10,000 people each year and the treatment and success rate is high. The high grade type I have which means it is fast growing is good as it means that it reacts well to treatment. Also, it appears to be localised in one area on my chest- a large area the size of a tennis ball but still, it hasn't spread. I am going to look after myself and eat well and in 6 months this will be an element of my past that made me stronger. So please don't worry, I'm not naive I know this is going to be crappy but I am an out-patient- they wouldn't let me go home if it was a risk. 

I am working through replying to the emails that you have sent to me during my hospital stay and since. I cannot ever tell you how much your emails meant to me when I was "locked up" even if you all felt they were trivial and boring. Believe me they were but that's what made them brilliant!!

I'll keep you posted on any news and updates and hopefully will see more of you soon.

Lots of love and kisses

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