Tuesday 16 November 2010

Update Number 19

Alas, we have transgressed backwards as I am writing yet another update from a hospital bed in aau. So literally 5 minutes after I sent my update last night i took my temperature and at 38.4 simon had to rush me to the hospital a&e. This temperature combined with my prickly heat, fever, nausea and vomiting meant either my body may have very well contracted a bit of a bug. Not surprising really considering how chilly it is outside and how up and down my immune system has been.

So after 6 hours in a&e, a blood test taking out 17 pints from my arm (couldn't do it in the line apparently- fabulous!) and a canula in my other arm for three sets of antibiotics and a drip (again no line was used! Don't they understand needle phobia? I actually vomited when the doctor did the canula so kudos to him for sticking me with a needle while I was violently heaving. Finally some blood from my hickmann line was also taken.

After arriving at 7.30pm at 1.45 I was finally taken out of a&e and into aau, the delay due to a massive shortage of beds. At 4.20 the doctor managed to see me' and said there definitely was an infection somewhere in my body, thus my high temperature. This was a comfort as I was beginning to think I had got myself into a Pavlov's Bell state by feeling nauseous in preparation for the chemo which makes me nauseous. The mind can be a very powerful thing. While in was in hospital the first time, one of the oncologists said a story of a chemo patient who had had the all clear for about 5 years who bumped into their chemo doctor in the supermarket and promptly vomited at his feet at the pure sight of him. I've got visuals of puking over prof bowers basket in tesco- revenge for his horrible wig comment!

So no chemo for this week anyway until I am a back and kicking. Thanks for your chemo wishes and hopefully we will get this show back on the road asap. I am literally opposite the first bed I was admitted into which is weird and there are a couple of familiar faces in the doctors and nurses, the ward is full and there is a right mix. The little lady next to me' thinks its 1939 and keeps asking for water even though she has been told she is nil by mouth literally 238 times. She's a right feisty thing and pretty much refuses to answer questions or be examined. She's also half deaf so there are people yelling at her constantly. God I've missed this place!!!

I'm due to be here until tomorrow at the moment but as we all know that everything changes on a daily if not hourly basis. Doctors and ducklings are en route so I best be off.

Please can you forward this on to people as it's from my iPhone and I'm not sure I've got all the addresses on here. I'll pop it on the blog- taurusnotcancer.blogspot.com

Lots of love and kisses

Em xxx

Sent from my iPhone

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